
北陸新幹線 軽井沢駅構内の3階(改札階)観光案内所の奥にございます。
〒389-0102 軽井沢町軽井沢1178-1186 さわやかハット3階

Located on the 3rd floor of Hokuriku Shinkansen Karuizawa Station North Exit.
There is in the back of the passage of the tourist information center.
Please use it for waiting time and waiting for Shinkansen.
Karuizawa Station yard Sawayaka Hut 3F, 1178-1186 Karuizawa, Karuizawa, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, 389-0102

As it is 0 minutes on foot in Karuizawa Station yard, it is very convenient location.
The taxi stand and the North Exit Bus Terminal can also be reached directly from the escalator.
Cafe & Dining Fermata
