Tourist information輕井澤觀光導覧
輕井澤購物商場(outlet)Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza
在自然豊富的景點中、集合了約200家郊外型多彩多姿的名品店購物中心。Offers luxurious brands, fashion goods, accessories, sports items, outdoor gear and more at around 240 shops.白糸瀑布Shiraito Waterfall
從岩壁溢出的地下水渲瀉而下所形成的白糸瀑布非常地美!春天就像是被包裹在清爽的新綠裡,而夏季更是涼風與瀑布飛濺,或者是令造訪者眼花繚亂的秋楓,都為人們帶來了許多的樂趣。Hundreds of groundwater falls into the curved rock of Shiraito waterfall which becomes a source in Yukawa River, and wrapped in a sense of coolness.
舊輕井澤銀座通Main Street of Kyu-Karuizawa
曾經身為外國人避暑勝地的輕井澤,傳承了麵包、果醬、臘腸作法的店家,以及輕井澤的雕刻店之外,也有其它流行服飾店和當地物產店等等,皆可讓您在景象美緻的街道中享受著遊逛橱窗之趣。Main street of Kyu-Karuizawa is surrounded by summer villas and historical buildings.雲場池Kumoba Pond
有著天鵝湖之名的美麗池塘,在此可欣賞四季分明的景色。特別推薦映彩於水面的綠意及紅葉、與白雲之間所形成對比的景色。池塘周邊鋪設了遊步道(15分鐘)。A place of idyllic nature, from season to season. Kumoba Pond is well-known in Karuizawa for fresh verdure in spring and majestic auburns and golds of the leaves in fall reflected on the pond surface.
千瀧瀑布淺溪流水道Sengataki Haiking
往返約1小時的健行步道。可就近觀賞包圍在茂密樹叢裡,由淺間的湧泉向下流成約20公尺長的千瀧瀑布,更可欣賞四季分明的自然景觀。A hiking trail that takes around an hour for round trip. You can see Sengataki, the spring water of Asama flowing down to become a waterfall about 20m high. It is surrounded by trees, you can enjoy the nature of the four seasons there.
鬼押出公園Onioshidashi Park
由淺間山的火山噴發而形成的公園。可見到驚人的能量及其壯觀景象。其名稱的由來是根據爆發當時人們所見到的景象而來,就像是惡鬼在火山口橫行,將岩石擠壓推出的景象。A work of art made of lava formed when Mount Asama erupted in 1783, and considered the most scenic spot in Asama Kogen (highland)..
輕井澤的滑雪場Karuizawa Snow Park
初學者及兒童皆可安心玩賞滑雪、溜雪板之處。有著令人驚心動魄的「滑雪管道」,從兒童到大人皆受歡迎的玩雪遊樂設施。A ski resort where people can happily ski and snowboard. It is easy even for beginners and children.There is a snow attraction called “tubing”, which is thrilling and enjoyable for children. It is also a popular attraction for adults.
Variety of outdoor activities暢享於輕井澤
Various outdoor activities, such as tennis, hiking, cycling, golfing in summer and skiing,
snowboading, skating in winter can be enjoyed in Karuizawa.